Friday, May 18, 2012

Some Like It Raw

Human beings are creatures of habit, and I am no exception to this rule. I consider myself a pretty health conscious person. I do my best to eat right and exercise. With the emphasis on the "eating right" part. I love food. Nothing makes me happier than a nice sit down meal. Usually around midterms, my eating habits become  slightly thwarted. When I need a break, I get up and snack. Hence, usually around these times I end up gaining about 5 pounds. Once the stress is over, I'll do a cleanse. Usually the Blue Print Cleanse. (
I love the Blue Print Cleanse. My friend Jacqui introduced me to this cleanse. It consists of 6 pre-made juices, mail delivered to you in 3 day increments. You can do it for one day, or you can do it for a whole month. I prefer to stick with just the 3 days. Last time I did it, I tried to go for 4 days and ended up eating a salad in the middle of it. So I think I've learned my max without chewing anything solid is a good 3 days. After just having finished my Physiology midterm, I'm in dire need of one of these cleanses. However, it is expensive. With my move coming up, $250 on a 3 day cleanse right now is not possible. I need that money for my move. So I've decided to go back to a raw foods diet.

When I lived on my own and had a really good job, I ate a predominantly raw foods diet. My plan was Monday-Friday raw foods, weekends whatever I wanted (keeping it healthy). I never felt better. I looked like I was 16, my skin was perfect, my mood was constantly elevated, and I had enough energy to train for half marathons. It was great. The only downfall to this type of diet is that it does get rather pricey. Raw nuts, organic fruits and vegetables, and all the supplements are expensive. (It makes me really angry that it costs an arm and a leg to eat healthy, but you can buy junk at taco bell for $.99...If it were the opposite, people would be able to spend less $$ on health care..But that's a whole other blog entry) Once I moved back home a year ago when I returned to school, my income became about 25% of what I had become accustom to. So my lifestyle and eating habits had to change accordingly.

I feel slightly hypocritical at times. I'm an advocate for a healthy lifestyle yet, my eating habits are not perfect and I don't exercise as much as I should. I feel if I want people to live healthy lifestyles, I need to live a healthy lifestyle. So, I am returning to the predominantly raw foods lifestyle. It is pricey, however you can not put a price tag on your health. If you take care of yourself, you can live a long and healthy life without the same problems that ailed our grandparents. It's all about prevention and proper nutrition is the BEST preventative medicine. I just need to practice what I preach much more consistently. So back on the raw foods I go. I know people think a raw food diet must consists of pure rabbit food, but just take a look at these cupcakes. They're made from raw chocolate! How yummy do they look?!

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