Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I managed an A on my lab practical! It was a low A. But, hey! An A is an A. Like I always say, I will take any type of A I can get! :D

Now I'm just waiting on my lecture exam results. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Adventures of Power

About 6 years ago I did an indie film about air drumming by the name of "Adventures of Power." I never saw it and never heard anything about it after filming. It wasn't until recently that a friend wrote me and asked if I was in that film that I even thought about it. So tonight I decided to stream it on NetFlix. It's pretty funny, actually. The best part was the fact that I was able to work with Samantha Maloney (drummer of Hole, and Eagles of Death Metal for a moment) and Neil Pert! Seriously! I was on set with Neil Pert! Oh, the things I did in my youth. Even though I never hit "super stardom," I really have been able to check off every single one of my little girl dreams. One of which being to film a movie, even if my total screen time was a whopping 2 minutes.

Next on my list of little girl dreams:
-Finish my B.S.
-Get into Med-School
-Become a Doctor
-Get married (this is optional)
-Have/adopt kids

Check out the trailer for Adventures of Power below.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I came. I saw. I conquered. 

I spent this past weekend in Arizona finalizing everything. On the agenda was taking care of all things necessary to set my major in stone and finding an apartment. Both were successfully completed. I wasn't able to secure my number one apartment choice (Caban on McClintock), due to the fact that what I needed wouldn't be available until August. This proved to be the case at EVERY apartment complex I looked at. However, I am very happy with the apartment I was able to secure. It's walking distance to the Tempe campus and it has a balcony where I can sit and drink sangria on hot summer days. Plus, it's across the street from Chompies! 

Chompies is a restaurant/deli I would always visit when I toured through Tempe. So if any of my tour friends ever roll through town they can stay with me, and in the morning walk over to have breakfast at Chompies!

I leave July 1st, which is starting to make me really sad. :(

btw-Apparently tubing down the Colorado river is the big thing to do in Arizona...I'm gonna have to get my floaties on (I can't swim) and partake in this recreational activity.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


You know what's cool? I had my yearly physical exam today, and I understood all the tests done on me.
Half of these I had to calculate on my last Physiology practical and now today my own were calculated. How rad, huh?! Yes, I am a nerd! Calculating my own mean corpuscle volume is thrilling to me.

I also told my Doctor I was leaving to go to school. She asked me my major and when I told her Microbio she replied, "Why would you major in that?!You like that?!"  :-/  I mean, it's not Astrophysics...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Over...For Now...

Just finished my last round of exams until finals....which are in 3 weeks. I'm already having post-traumatic-test disorder. I know I bombed my PR-Interval calculation on the EKG portion of my Physiology lab practical. I did mm x mm/secs. How big of a retard am I? If I'm solving for secs it should have been mm x secs/mm ...Oh well, what can you do?

And, I THINK all the WBC scopes were on Basophils. They seriously all looked just like this:
Only they were so tiny!I don't know if my professor is that nice or if he really is that evil. I must have looked through every microscope at least 4 times. Yeah, 4 times. I walked down the line and wrote my answers. Then I went back to compare slides. Then I got really confused and kept checking to make sure they really were all the same slide! I wasn't sure if  my mind was playing tricks on me. They were so tiny I could not see anything but magenta/burgundy granules. UUGGGHHH!I just hope I didn't make any other careless mistakes that will result in the loss of a huge chunk of points. Seriously. F me.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Don't wanna do it alone...

Remember the band Sugarcult? There is this latin/cumbia club on Sunset and Figueroa in Los Angeles. It's famous, everyone drives past it, however very few people in my circle of friends have ever been inside. My friend Stephanie did her thesis on Cumbia music and for her birthday we all went to the famous "Los Globos" on Sunset. I then remembered the Sugarcult video that was filmed there. I loved Sugarcult. Still do. I remember when I played with them at the HOB with Rocket; I tried to hit on Aaron, the bass player...Well, I tried to flirt...From afar...I blew him a kiss. I'm really bad at flirting or hitting on guys, period. Then I would try to comment on his MySpace and send him messages. He was nice and would respond, but my flirting got me nowhere! Ultimately, I was REJECTED! I was about 22. I still think it's really funny!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

This is a picture of me and my family (minus my brother). I consider myself pretty lucky in that I still have both my parents and we are able to remain close as a family. It breaks my heart when I have to discharge a patient and they haven't any family to care for them or take them home. Sometimes I just want to tell them I'll be their family!...However, I know how impossible it would be to offer that to everyone.

I had a patient I wasn't exactly prepared for yesterday. I won't go into details (I could get fired!) but needless to say, as soon as I walked in the room and saw what I was dealing with my expression must have given away that I wasn't prepared for him. I immediately felt awful and guilty (it's the Catholic in me. We feel guilty for everything). I tried everything I could to lighten up the situation, but I still felt guilty for my initial response. He hopped in a car to Louisiana, and I just hope he made it there alright. He didn't seem in any condition for such a long road trip, but he was going "home." I just really hope he made it home.

I know that after a while, patients won't have as large an impact on me as they do at this stage. However, I don't see how that can happen. Maybe once I'm dealing with 30+ patients a day, but even then. We are all human beings and we all deserve a little bit of compassion.

On another note...This week has been rather rough. I feel as though death is constantly surrounding me. Life is so short. Too short in my opinion. It's such a shame people waste their lives on petty things. Holding grudges, taking others for granted, letting opportunities pass you by. Make amends while you still can. Tell everyone you care about that you love them. Take every opportunity that comes your way. Don't live in fear of the "what if," just go for it. Even if you do something and regret it, you would have regretted not doing it even more. I feel it would benefit everyone to spend some time in a hospital or hospice. It really puts things into perspective and makes you appreciate what you have. Take advantage of everything now, because tomorrow and second chances are not guaranteed.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Some Like It Raw

Human beings are creatures of habit, and I am no exception to this rule. I consider myself a pretty health conscious person. I do my best to eat right and exercise. With the emphasis on the "eating right" part. I love food. Nothing makes me happier than a nice sit down meal. Usually around midterms, my eating habits become  slightly thwarted. When I need a break, I get up and snack. Hence, usually around these times I end up gaining about 5 pounds. Once the stress is over, I'll do a cleanse. Usually the Blue Print Cleanse. (www.blueprintcleanse.com)
I love the Blue Print Cleanse. My friend Jacqui introduced me to this cleanse. It consists of 6 pre-made juices, mail delivered to you in 3 day increments. You can do it for one day, or you can do it for a whole month. I prefer to stick with just the 3 days. Last time I did it, I tried to go for 4 days and ended up eating a salad in the middle of it. So I think I've learned my max without chewing anything solid is a good 3 days. After just having finished my Physiology midterm, I'm in dire need of one of these cleanses. However, it is expensive. With my move coming up, $250 on a 3 day cleanse right now is not possible. I need that money for my move. So I've decided to go back to a raw foods diet.

When I lived on my own and had a really good job, I ate a predominantly raw foods diet. My plan was Monday-Friday raw foods, weekends whatever I wanted (keeping it healthy). I never felt better. I looked like I was 16, my skin was perfect, my mood was constantly elevated, and I had enough energy to train for half marathons. It was great. The only downfall to this type of diet is that it does get rather pricey. Raw nuts, organic fruits and vegetables, and all the supplements are expensive. (It makes me really angry that it costs an arm and a leg to eat healthy, but you can buy junk at taco bell for $.99...If it were the opposite, people would be able to spend less $$ on health care..But that's a whole other blog entry) Once I moved back home a year ago when I returned to school, my income became about 25% of what I had become accustom to. So my lifestyle and eating habits had to change accordingly.

I feel slightly hypocritical at times. I'm an advocate for a healthy lifestyle yet, my eating habits are not perfect and I don't exercise as much as I should. I feel if I want people to live healthy lifestyles, I need to live a healthy lifestyle. So, I am returning to the predominantly raw foods lifestyle. It is pricey, however you can not put a price tag on your health. If you take care of yourself, you can live a long and healthy life without the same problems that ailed our grandparents. It's all about prevention and proper nutrition is the BEST preventative medicine. I just need to practice what I preach much more consistently. So back on the raw foods I go. I know people think a raw food diet must consists of pure rabbit food, but just take a look at these cupcakes. They're made from raw chocolate! How yummy do they look?!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oh, yeah. I changed my major to MicroBio. Giardi Lamblia anyone?

Baby We Were Born To Run!

Another exam down. It was actually easy. I hate when they do that to you. I hate when you study your butt off and they go easy on you! But hey, I'll take what I can get! I'm trying to get myself up to exercise, but I am EXHAUSTED! I drank four cups of coffee last night and slept maybe two hours. I have to stop doing this. I met with a friend last night to study and we both mentioned how after every exam we say that the next exam is going to be the one we are prepared for. The next exam is the exam we are going to study every night for. The truth of the matter is, I do study almost every night. It's just that nothing sticks unless I'm in high stress mode. Go figure.

I was also talking to my supplemental instruction leader (who is now a music major), about how I feel everyone going into high stress majors should have performance experience. Really, learning how to audition and my musical/theatrical past has really helped me prepare for an exam. It's really no different. You rehearse and practice before an audition or a big performance. When it comes time to your performance, you throw that all out the window and just let everything flow right out of you. The same goes for taking an exam. You study as much as you can and try to understand/grasp the material. Once you walk in to take the exam, you take a deep breath and let the information flow out of you. At least this is how I approach an exam. I am thankful I have learned how to control my nerves under high stress situations. I see a lot of people not doing as well as they should in my courses simply due to not being able to relax and perform under pressure.

As of today there are 3 weeks left of instruction before finals. This semester has gone by at light speed. Is this what it feels like to get older? Time just passes by with the snap of a finger? Maybe this semester went by so fast because I've had to deal with the transfer, moving and all that. I don't know. I just can't believe I only have 3 weeks left!

I'm ready to move onward and upward!

Simplified version of what I'm working on tonight.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's 11pm...Do you know where your cytotoxic T-Cells are?


My orthodontist placed rubber bands put on my braces today. I've only had my braces 3 months, so this is pretty great. If my teeth keep shifting at the rate they are currently shifting, I predict I will have my braces off in time for my birthday and Thanksgiving. They won't be off in time for my brothers wedding, but that's ok...I'll take what I can get at this point!

......aaaaaannnnnddd now I'm off to study for my Physiology exam that is going to massacre me tomorrow. Peace out!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

The other day I went out with my family to celebrate my sisters birthday over dinner. I don't know how it came about but I mentioned how I really enjoyed reading my brother's fiance's Facebook updates because they are funny. She then told me that she had actually mentioned to my mom that she loved to read my Facebook updates because they were funny. To which my mom replied, "Really? I've never heard her be funny." Apparently, my mom thinks I am not funny at all. So then I told her, "Yeah, mom. I'm really funny. I could be a comedian with how funny I am." Then she proceeded to laugh hysterically.

Happy Mother's day to my mom...Thank you for always believing in me!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Microbiology vs. Nutrition

Gah! I keep going back and forth on majors. I know that a major in Nutrition would be easy for me. I know it would be easy to maintain a high GPA in that major, and also it's a major I use every day. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am an advocate for proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. However, there is something about Microbiology that keeps calling my name. I LOVED that class. Love, love love. Anything having to deal with diseases, bacteria, immunology, viruses, fungi...etc. I just LOVE! It's so interesting to me. It's like little miniature warfare. You wash your hands too much and bacteria that shouldn't be there can invade and take over and cause a staph infection. Then you gotta come in with your army of chemotherapeutics and ATTACK! My only concern is that, realistically, I am not that smart. I know it will take a lot of work for me to complete a degree in Microbiology and maintain my current 3.8 GPA. What is appealing, is that I feel a high (or even a 3.4/3.5) GPA in Microbiology might make me a more competitive Medical School applicant than a high GPA in Nutrition. I guess I will wait until the 25th when I meet with my academic advisor at ASU and see what they suggest.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

AAMC expects 30% medical school enrollment increase

The news just keeps getting better and better for me. First, I read about 3-year accelerated programs for students interested in Family Practice, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine...etc. Next, I read that enrollment is set to increase about 30%. Which will boost the 4% admission rate to about 6%. (I'm not sure on exact numbers, but I know they are very low) Still! Any increase is positive and boosts my chances of admittance. Sometimes I stop in amazement to think that I am going to be a Doctor. I'm not anywhere near achieving the goal, but I'm on my way. As long as I keep focused and committed, I will get there.

This is a photo of me catching the bouquet at my friends Nathan & Monica's wedding. Which is actually a funny story. The bouquet fell in that pool of water you see in the photo. So being logical me, I ran around the perimeter of the pool to pull it out of the water. Well, I don't know how but I slipped. Then as i tried to compose myself, I fell backwards in the pool and flashed everyone. Once I got up and processed what had happened, I had forgotten about the bouquet. Then I saw it still in the pool, but at this point there was another girl closer to it and ready to grab it. At this point, I was in the pool. There was no way I was going to let anyone grab that thing being that I was already soaked and in the pool. The bouquet was mine out of principal! So I snatched it! Probably one of the funniest moment of my life and hopefully a funny memory for both Nathan and Monica.

Apparently catching the bouquet means I'm supposed to be married in about a year, according to a friend of mine. To quote his exact words, "have fun now, because you are sure to be married in a year." To which I simply say "HAH!"

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

3 year degree

Med School on the fast track

The link above is to an article I stumbled across today about 3-year accelerated M.D./D.O. programs. While I need to do more research, I am very intrigued. I would definitely be interested in completing a 3 year degree, especially since they are geared towards both specialties I'm looking into - Internal Medicine or Pediatrics.This is very exciting as it would make up for the extra year I will be spending in undergrad and still allow me to reach my goal of becoming a Doctor by the age of 33. I still need to do more research on these programs, but needless to say, this article has piqued my interest!

Wall of Men

So this is my blog. I can do whatever I want with it. So I decided to post pictures of men I find attractive. Starting with Doctor Travis Stork. Who after researching, I found was on The Bachelor! Really?!?! Where the hell was I for the casting?! McDreamy right here.
Then we have Dr. Drew Pinsky, who I have had a crush on since I was at least 12....What can I say? I like 'em smart. I once went on a date with a med student who was the poor man's Dr. Drew. However, he was a bit full of himself and I couldn't deal with it. I later found, that many Doctors are indeed full of themselves. What can ya do?

I also like them funny. Hence, Jason Sudeikis. 

And Jason Segel who was adorable in The Muppets.

And lest we forget my first crush ever. The one. The only. Indiana Jones.
So, if you are a smart Doctor ,who is funny, and knows how to work a whip...Call me! ;-)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Drum Crazy

I love this scene from Easter Parade. My two favorite past times combined into one. I remember when I was at AMDA everyone in my tap class hated me. Well, they didn't hate me. But I do think it got annoying how I had very minimal tap dancing experience and would pick up on everything right away. Tap dancing is no different than drumming. It's rhythm you are playing with your feet. You have triplets, and double time. I would have loved to have gotten really good at it, I just never pursued it once I left AMDA. I can still do a really good triple time step though. :)

I'm getting into the grind of things. There are only about 6 weeks left of school. Next week I have my last Physiology midterm, followed by my 2nd to last lab practical the following week. After that I'll have a couple weeks to study up for finals. That 'A' on my lab practical really puts me in a good spot, I don't have to stress as much as I usually am at this point in the semester. I still need to work hard, but I don't need to kill myself to pull off my A in the class. All I need is a 'B' in lecture if I maintain my 'A' in lab. It's a good feeling. I don't think I've ever been in such a good position when it comes to my Sciences. Usually, at the end of the semester I am studying myself to the bone to pull off an A on my Final Exams just so that I can pull an A in the course. Honestly, I don't know how I've been able to maintain a 4.0 GPA in my Sciences. It was definitely by the skin of my teeth. But hey, an 'A' is an 'A', and I'll take whatever kind of 'A' I can get!

Monday, May 7, 2012

I win!

Upper right corner. That's right. 107 on my Physiology nightmare lab practical. Seriously. This practical might as well had been written in Chinese, that is how confused I was when I laid eyes on this thing. But I survived! 107 out of 115. It's an A on my first Physiology practical. Which means the rest will be a piece of cake. Bring it on!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

All in all...

All in all...I have lived/am living an amazing life...How many people get to achieve all their goals? I have and I still am. Don't give up. If an awful drummer can tour the world with their favorite bands, and a retard who just barely graduated high school is excelling in college while on the pre-med track, then we really are limitless.

Don't cut yourself short. We get one life. Do it right!

I love you all!

Moving on up, to the east side!

So it's official. I am leaving California the end of June/beginning of July. Starting summer school at ASU July 5th. It's been a constant back and forth figuring everything out, trying to get my classes situated, and coming up with a plan that will allow me knock out all of my pre-med courses without overwhelming myself and letting my grades slip. I think I finally have solidified everything. My initial goal was to try and finish my B.S. in 2 years. I think that is what caused me to have my freak out a couple weeks ago. There is no way I will be ready for my MCAT in one year. Realistically, I won't be able to take my MCAT for at least a year and a half at the very soonest. At that point I'll have missed the Fall of '14 application deadlines and would have to wait another year to apply anyway. So I figure, do it in 3 years. Save my sanity. Get better grades since I won't be stressing over having to double (or even triple) up my sciences and trying to remain competitive.

I just can't believe it's happening so soon. I did not expect to be leaving by the end of June! I thought I would at least be here until the summer. Funny how life throws you curve balls. I graduate from Citrus on the 16th, and my plan is to be in Phoenix sometime between the 23rd and 30th. I want to give myself ample time to become accustomed to the city, figure out how to get to all my classes, get my books...etc. But it's happening. This time last year when I started school I had a clear goal for the coming year. To know where I would be transferring and be in preparations for it. Well here we are. Goal #1 complete!


I need to find this on vinyl somewhere!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

H2O's video for "Nothing to Prove." If you scroll to 20secs, for a half a second, you'll get yours truly.