Thursday, July 26, 2012

I get the worst post-test anxiety. After every exam I walk out thinking that I failed. If it's a course where the scores are posted online, I check to see if the scores have been updated at least 5 times a day.

Someone needs to slap me or something.

In other news, my dog doesn't have asthma! yay! He just has really bad allergies. boo. The vet advised me to give him a quarter of a benedryl a day. This benedryl has also helped calm him down when I leave so he doesn't bark as much. This is a win-win situation for both of us. :)

Also, yesterday I went to Trader Joe's to get groceries for the week. I usually do my shopping on Sunday, but this past Sunday I still had food in my fridge. I decided to stretch it until I only had the option of eating oatmeal or brown rice. I really only bought fruit, vegetables, nuts, coconut water and 2 pieces of Salmon. Well, two bags worth of stuff later and I spent $75 dollars! Granted, most of it was organic and organic really adds up. But still! $75 for a SINGLE person. Just basics. I didn't get anything fancy, I didn't get any snacks. I seriously just got fruit, vegetables, nuts, coconut water and 2 pieces of Salmon! I know I shouldn't publicly voice my opinions through any type of social media, but the government seriously wants to keep us all fat and uneducated. That's why you can buy a bunch of boxed pizza and potato chips and spend less than $20. But when you actually want to eat real food it costs you an arm and a leg. Sick people and uneducated people are easier to manipulate. And this concludes my angry rant about being a broke college student trying to live a healthy lifestyle!

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