Monday, February 27, 2012

Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head

Funny how rapid the weather changes here in Southern California. Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day. Today it's been a gloomy, rainy day. Honestly, I prefer the rain. However, I believe that once I leave California (at least So.Ca.) I am going to miss the perpetual sunshine. Plus, the rain is always much more pleasant when you have someone to snuggle up with. Oh well!

So here we are, back in full academic swing. I already am not fond of my Pre-Calc professor. No offense to him, I'm sure he is a great person. He just seems to be rather stiff and not very personable. I believe this to be true of most math professors (basing my assumption on the 3 I have had in my college career). I've come to many conclusions regarding the typical personality and psychological traits of professors who teach certain subjects. Biology (or life science) professors tend to be quirky, happy go lucky types while Chemistry professors seem to be rather rigid, laugh at their own jokes, rather odd and not have the best interpersonal or social skills. Math teachers tend to adhere to the motto "my way or the highway." I came to these conclusions based on the various interactions I have had with professors in these subjects. I know not everyone who teaches Biology is happy-go-lucky, and not everyone who teaches Chemistry is odd, but I have noticed a trend...

I also noticed a trend like this in music and the types of people who fall into certain instruments. Lead singers have a power struggle, everyone must look up to them, they must be the center of attention in all aspects of their life and they must be in control of everything. Lead guitarists are usually the "hot" ones, with their own sense of style. Usually they are the "funny" one's with big personalities. The bass players are the "cool" ones, the calm-cool-collected and tough ones who are usually the talent in the band and most looked over. Funny as well, but in a much more subdued, intelligent manner. Drummers are the wild card who literally live life to the beat of their own drum. They're usually the one's who are different from the rest of the band, have their own thing going on and are either shy or extremely outrageous. Again, these are gross over generalizations, but you get the point!

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